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e-Books by order
mhornДата: Wednesday, 22.06.2011, 19:10 | Сообщение # 51
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pdf of article by Vyalov is ready!

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
bhawanigdДата: Wednesday, 22.06.2011, 20:32 | Сообщение # 52
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Thank you very much for the help.
mhornДата: Sunday, 04.09.2011, 18:55 | Сообщение # 53
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Quote (Erik)
1.WETZEL,W.1911: "Faunistische und stratigraphische. Untersuchung der Parkinsonienschichten des Teutoburger Waldes bei Bieles".

now this paper is available through biodiversitylibrary:

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
Anna_BiblioДата: Sunday, 11.09.2011, 22:33 | Сообщение # 54
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Уважаемые коллеги:

очень нужны несколько русских монографий по юрской палинологии:

1. Болховитина Н. А. Атлас спор и пыльцы из юрских и нижнемеловых отложений Вилюйской впадины // Труды ГИНа. Вып. 2. 1956.

2. Споры и пыльца юры и раннего мела Средней Азии. М., 1971.

3. Ярошенко О. П. Спорово-пыльцевые комплексы юрских и нижнемеловых отложеиий Северного Кавказа и нх стратиграфическое зиачение. // Тр. Геол. ин-та АН СССР, вып. 117, 1965.

4. К а р а -Мурза Э. Н. Споры и пыльца мезозойских отложений севера Енисейско-Ленской области (юра -мел). // Тр. Научно-nсслед. ип-та геол. Арктики, 54, 1954.

Спасибо, если можно будет их со временем увидеть в электронном виде.

Added (11.09.2011, 22:33)
Как-то странно попала в иноверсию, надеюсь, что всё-таки мессадж будет читаемым smile Сорри)

ErikДата: Friday, 16.09.2011, 07:17 | Сообщение # 55
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THANKS! Mikhail thanks!

bhawanigdДата: Friday, 04.11.2011, 13:20 | Сообщение # 56
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Dear all I am searchin some of the articles since long, although one deals with Cretaceous but rest of the three are related to trace fossils.
I am in need of following article, I would be greatful if it is available

Spengler, E (1910) Die Nautiliden und belemniten des trichinopoly distrikts in Beitr. Palaont Geol Ost Ung, 23: 125-157

Seilacher A (1955) Spuren und Lebensweise der Trilobiten. In: Schindewolf O, Seilacher A (eds) Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kambriums in der Salt Range (Pakistan). Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur zu Mainz, Abhandlungen der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 10, pp 324–327,
Pls. 16–21

Seilacher A (1953b) Studien zur Palichnologie. II. Die fossilen Ruhespuren (Cubichnia). Neues Jahrb Geol P-A 98, pp 87–124

Seilacher A (1953) Studien zur Palichnologie. I. Über die Methoden der Palichnologie. Neues Jahrb Geol P-A 96:421–452

Thanking you
with regards
DoggerfanДата: Friday, 30.12.2011, 05:00 | Сообщение # 57
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Thanks for the Dorn!
ErikДата: Sunday, 15.01.2012, 17:22 | Сообщение # 58
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I am searching:

MÖNNIG, E. (1989): Stratigraphie und Fazies des Calloviums in NW-Deutschland.— Clausthaler
Geowissenschaftliche Diss.: 37: 183 S, 37 Tab, 3 Taf.; Clausthal-Zellerfeld.

— (1990): Der obere Braune am Galgenberg von Hildesheim.— Hildesheimer Heimatkalender
1991: 5 S., l Tab., l Abb.; Hildesheim.

— (1991): Das Wittekind-Flöz (Mittlerer Jura) des Wiehengebirges (Nordwest-deutschland).—
Geol. Paläont. Westf., 19:47-53,2 Abb.; Münster.

— (1993): Die Ornatenton-Formation in Nordwestdeutschland. Eine stratigraphische Revision.—
Newsl. Stratigr., 28 (2/3): 131-150,7 Abb, l Tab.; Berlin, Stuttgart.

NEUMAYR, M. (1870): Über einige neue oder weniger bekannte Cephalopoden der Macrocephalenschichten.—
Jahrb. K. K. Reichsanst., Wien, Bd. XX/2: 147-156, Taf. VH-IX.

HOWARTH, M. K. 1962. The Yorkshire Type Ammonites and Nautiloids of Young and Bird, Phillips and Martin Simpson. Palaeontology,


Edited by Erik - Sunday, 15.01.2012, 23:26
mhornДата: Tuesday, 17.01.2012, 13:26 | Сообщение # 59
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Quote (Erik)
MÖNNIG, E. (1989): Stratigraphie und Fazies des Calloviums in NW-Deutschland.— Clausthaler
Geowissenschaftliche Diss.: 37: 183 S, 37 Tab, 3 Taf.; Clausthal-Zellerfeld.

Quote (Erik)
HOWARTH, M. K. 1962. The Yorkshire Type Ammonites and Nautiloids of Young and Bird, Phillips and Martin Simpson. Palaeontology,

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
ErikДата: Saturday, 21.01.2012, 00:59 | Сообщение # 60
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Added (21.01.2012, 00:59)
Thanks again and please even the-

O. GREIF ( 1 9 1 4 ) : Stratigraphisch-faunistische Untersuchungs-Ergebnisse über die Callovien-
Tone. des Staffelbergs in Oberfranken.

F . ROMAN (1938): Ammonites jurassiques et cretacees. Essai de genera. Paris.

Model(1914).Ein Reitz.z.Kentn.Ammonitenfauna der.Macrocephalen die Nord-West Franken

mhornДата: Saturday, 21.01.2012, 12:48 | Сообщение # 61
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Quote (Erik)
F . ROMAN (1938): Ammonites jurassiques et cretacees. Essai de genera. Paris.,1938_Les_ammonites_jurassiques.pdf

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
ErikДата: Tuesday, 24.01.2012, 08:19 | Сообщение # 62
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Thanks again!

MartinДата: Wednesday, 04.07.2012, 13:13 | Сообщение # 63
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Dear colleagues, I've been searching for some papers about triassic for a long time, and I hope you can help me.
The papers I need are:

Collignon, M., 1933-1934. Paléontologie de Madagascar XX. Les céphalopodes du Trias inférieur. Annales de Paléontologie 22, 151–162; 23, 1–43.

Collignon, M., 1973. Ammonites du Trias inférieur et moyen d’Afghanistan. Annales de Paléontologie 59, 127–163.

Дагис А.С., Ермакова С.П. Раннеоленекские аммоноидеи Сибири. М.: Наука, 1990 (Dagys, A.S., Ermakova, S.P., 1990. Early Olenekian Ammonoids of Siberia. Nauka, pp. 1–112.)

Diener, C., 1895. Triadische Cephalopodenfaunen der ostsibirischen Küstenprovinz. Mémoires du Comité géologique de Saint Petersburg 14, 1–59.

Diener, C., 1897. The Cephalopoda of the Lower Trias. Himalayan Fossils. Palaeontologia Indica 15, 1–181.

Diener, C., 1913. Triassic faunae of Kashmir. Palaeontologia Indica 5, 1–133.

Kummel, B., Erben, H.K., 1968. Lower and Middle Triassic cephalopods from Afghanistan. Palaeontographica Abt. A 129, 95–148.

Chao, K., 1959. Lower Triassic ammonoids from Western Kwangsi, China. Palaeontologia Sinica, NS B 9, 1-355.

Thank you in advance.


Edited by Martin - Wednesday, 04.07.2012, 13:20
bhawanigdДата: Saturday, 04.08.2012, 09:18 | Сообщение # 64
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I am searching for following reference
AVIAS, J. 1953 : Contribution a I'etude stratigraphique et paleontologique de la Nouvclle- Caledonie Centrale. Sciences de la Terre / ( 1 ,2) : 1 -276, pi 1 -26
hope you can help me
thanks & regards
JurafrenchyДата: Wednesday, 15.08.2012, 17:15 | Сообщение # 65
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Hello from France and congratulations for this site !

I’m studying fossil Elasmobranchs, today mainly the Jurassic ones.

That I wish :

Any russian PDF papers about fossil Elasmobranchs including mainly these autors:


Here are fews examples of papers I urgently wish :

GLIKMAN & ITSHENKO (1980) : I don’t have the exact references but this paper deals about the genus Ptychocorax

POPOV, E.V. (2010) : Jaws of Jurassic seas PaleoMir, 1(8). P. 40-51

POPOV, E.V. (2006) : Heterodont (bull-head) sharks (Heterodontoformes) from the Jurassic of European Russia: new data on composition and stratigraphical distribution. Abstract. “Modern Russian paleontology: classic and newest methods”: Abstracts of the Second All-Russian scientific school for young scientists in paleontology (conjointly with 45 Conference of young paleontologists of the Moscow Society of Naturalists), October, 3-5, 2006, Moscow. PIN RAS. P. 53-54.

POPOV, E.V. (2004) : Jurassic chondrichthyan fishes (Chondrichthyes) from the European Russia: study status and research perspectives. Abstract. Modern Russian paleontology: classic and newest methods: Abstracts of the First All-Russian scientific school for young scientists in paleontology (conjointly with 44 Conference of young paleontologists of the Moscow Society of Naturalists) (October 20-22, 2004, Moscow). M.: PIN RAS. P. 57-59.

POPOV, E.V. & GRIGORIEV, M.A. & VOLKOV, A.V. (2001) : About first records of the Jurassic sharks teeth (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Volga River Basin, Russia “Research results from SRGI and Geological Faculty of SSU”: Transactions of the Scientific Research Geological Institute of the N. G. Tchernyshevsky Saratov State University. New series. Saratov: "Scientific Book" Publishing, Vol. VII. P. 5-18. 7 figs.

SOKOLOV, M. (1978) : Requins comme fossiles-guides pour la zonation et la subdivision des couches crétacées de Touransk. zdatel. Niedra: 61 p., 17 fig., 5 pl.

That I can share :

Hundreds of PDF papers about fossil Elasmobranchs (including Jurassic)

Any PDF about Jurassic that I could find for you in the Library of Poiters University (SW France) or that I could find elsewhere.

All the best and thanks a lot in advance for your help !
mhornДата: Thursday, 16.08.2012, 12:03 | Сообщение # 66
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Quote (Jurafrenchy)
POPOV, E.V. (2010) : Jaws of Jurassic seas PaleoMir, 1(8). P. 40-51,2010_jaws.pdf

Quote (Jurafrenchy)
POPOV, E.V. & GRIGORIEV, M.A. & VOLKOV, A.V. (2001) : About first records of the Jurassic sharks teeth (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Volga River Basin, Russia “Research results from SRGI and Geological Faculty of SSU”: Transactions of the Scientific Research Geological Institute of the N. G. Tchernyshevsky Saratov State University. New series. Saratov: "Scientific Book" Publishing, Vol. VII. P. 5-18. 7 figs

for more papers by Evgeny Popov you could directly contact him by e-mails: , or

Quote (Jurafrenchy)
That I can share :
Hundreds of PDF papers about fossil Elasmobranchs (including Jurassic)

we are especially interesting in those pdfs which still unavailable online through other sites - our file storage is big but not endless, thus we are mainly uploading unique pdfs to the e-library

Quote (Jurafrenchy)
Any PDF about Jurassic that I could find for you in the Library of Poiters University (SW France) or that I could find elsewhere.

I am looking for the following articles, which are missing in the Russian libraries:

Biro-Bagóczky L. (1976) Titanites chilensis n. sp. en la Formación Lo Valdés, Titoniano-Neocominao, Provincia de Santiago, Chile // Actas Primer Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, Chile, 2-7 Agosto, t.3, seccion L, P.L11-L19
Chapman, N.D., 1996. The rediscovery of Creniceras renggeri (Oppel) in the Upper Oxford Clay near Weymouth. Procedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 117 : 153-154.
Chapman, N.D., 1997. Ammonites from the Oxford Clay near Budmouth School and Tidmoor Point, Weymouth, and their bearing on the Calllovian/Oxfordian boundary. Procedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 119 : 117-127.
Chapman, N. D., 1999. Ammonite assemblages of the Upper Oxford Clay (Mariae Zone) near Weymouth, Procedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 121 : 77-100.
Ziegler B. (1972) Artbildung bei Ammoniten der Gattung Aulacostephanus (Oberjura). Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 127, 75-79

If you will be able to scan these articles in will be great!

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
JurafrenchyДата: Friday, 17.08.2012, 01:12 | Сообщение # 67
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Thanks a lot for your kind help mhorn !

Quote (mhorn)
we are especially interesting in those pdfs which still unavailable online through other sites - our file storage is big but not endless, thus we are mainly uploading unique pdfs to the e-library

Yes I understand but I have a lot physical papers on Jurassic Elasmobranchs already scanned of that I can scan for you.

I propose to send you a first small list of 10 references and you will see and tell me which ones you wish.
(this evening or tomorrow)

Quote (mhorn)
I am looking for the following articles, which are missing in the Russian libraries:

I will do my best on next month, just after the holidays.

All the best

Added (17.08.2012, 01:12)
Here is a (?first) selection of papers without Lower Cretaceous that I can provide :

CASIER, E. (1959)
Contributions à l'étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique. XII - Sélaciens et Holocéphales sinémuriens de la Province de Luxembourg. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 38 (8): 1-35

CAVIN, L. & CAPPETTA, H. & SÉRET, B. (1995)
Révision de Belemnobatis morinicus (SAUVAGE, 1873) du Portlandien du Boulonnais (Pas-dé Calais, France). Comparaison avec quelques rhinobatidés jurassiques. Geologica et Palaeontologica, 29: 245-267, 9 fig., 2 tabl., pl. 1-3.

A systematic and anatomical revision of Late Jurassic angelsharks (Chondrichthyes: Squatinidae). Mesozoic Fishes 4 - Homology and Phylogeny: 469-502, 17 figs., 1 app.

Chondrichthyens du Toarcien inférieur d'Aubange (Lorraine belge). Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper: Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, 278: 23-43, 2 fig., pl. 1-7.

DELSATE, D. & THIES, D. (1995)
Teeth of the fossil shark Annea THIES 1983 (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) from the Toarcian of Belgium. Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper: Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, 278: 45-64, 1 fig., pl. 1-8.

DUFFIN, C.J. (1998)
Ostenoselache stenosoma n. g. n. sp., a new neoselachian shark from the Sinemurian (Early Jurassic) of Osteno (Lombardy, Italy). Paleontologia Lombarda, 9: 3-27, 14 fig., 12 pl.

MAISEY, J.G. (1977)
The fossil selachian fishes Palaeospinax EGERTON, 1872 and Nemacanthus AGASSIZ, 1837. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 60: 259-273.

HERVAT, P. & HERVAT, M. (1993)
Polyacrodus parvidens (Woodward, 1916) (Elasmobranchii, Hybodontoidea) dans un faciès Purbeckien (Tithonien supérieur) du Charentais (France). Cossmanniana, Hors-série 2: 43-48

PATTERSON, C. (1966)
British Wealden sharks. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (Geology), 11 (7): 283-350, 31 fig., 5 pl.

THIES, D. (1993)
New evidence of Annea and Jurobatos, two rare neoselachians (Pisces, Chondrichthys) from the Jurassic of Europa. Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper: Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, 264: 137-146, 3 pl.

mhornДата: Friday, 17.08.2012, 10:31 | Сообщение # 68
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Quote (Jurafrenchy)
Here is a (?first) selection of papers without Lower Cretaceous that I can provide :

I guess all these papers could be uploaded to the e-library

only paper by Patterson (1966) is available online for free (

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
mhornДата: Sunday, 03.02.2013, 15:18 | Сообщение # 69
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Quote (Erik)
SPATH.L.F.(1927-31):Revision of the Jurassic cephalopod fauna of Kachh

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
ErikДата: Thursday, 14.02.2013, 23:00 | Сообщение # 70
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A GREAT BIG THANKS superbly!!!

Added (14.02.2013, 23:00)
I loocking for more:

OIoriz, F., Rodrfguez-Tovar, F.J. & Schairer, G. (1992): New record of Barthelia subbetica OLORIZ & SCHAIRER (Jurassic Ammonitina) from the South Iberian paleomargin (prebetic zone, Spain). N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh.,


MartinДата: Monday, 25.02.2013, 17:10 | Сообщение # 71
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Dear colleagues, can someone help with these papers

Arthaber G. V., 1911: Die Trias von Albanien. Beitrage zur Palaontologie und GeologieOsterreich-Ungarns und des Orients, 24, 169–277.

Frech F., 1902: DieDyas: Lethaea geognostica. Theil 1. LethaeaPalaeozoica 2, 579-788.

Krafft A. V. &Diener C., 1909: Lower Triassic cephalopoda from Spiti, Malla Johar and Byans. Palaeontologia Indica 6, 1-186.

Mojsisovics E.,1886: Arktische triasfaunen. Memoires del’Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St-Petersbourg, VIIe serie 33, 1-159.

NoetlingF., 1905: Die asiatische Trias. In Frech F., Lethaea geognostica, 107-221.

Renz C. & RenzO., 1948: Eine untertriadische Ammonitenfauna von der griechischen Insel Chios. Schweizerische PalaeontologischeAbhandlungen 66, 3-98.

Tozer E. T., 1981:Triassic ammonoidea, clasification, evolution and relationship with Permian and
Jurassic forms. In House M. R. & Senior J. R. (eds.): The ammonoidea, 65-100. The Systematics Association, London.

Tozer E. T., 1994:Canadian Triassic ammonoid faunas. GeologicSurvey of Canada Bulletin 467, 663.
mhornДата: Friday, 01.03.2013, 21:08 | Сообщение # 72
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Quote (Martin)
Дагис А.С., Ермакова С.П. Раннеоленекские аммоноидеи Сибири. М.: Наука, 1990 (Dagys, A.S., Ermakova, S.P., 1990. Early Olenekian Ammonoids of Siberia. Nauka, pp. 1–112.)


Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
MartinДата: Monday, 04.03.2013, 12:40 | Сообщение # 73
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Thank you very much.
ErikДата: Monday, 21.10.2013, 20:08 | Сообщение # 74
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Welcome Mikhail!
Looking for materials about Macrocephalites multicostatus(Paryshev)

MartinДата: Friday, 25.07.2014, 12:54 | Сообщение # 75
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Can someone help me with these monographs:

Spath L.F., 1934:Part 4: the Ammonoids of the Trias, Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the
British Museum (Natural History). 521 pp. London.

Spath L.F., 1951:Part 5: the Ammonoids of the Trias, Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the
British Museum (Natural History). 228 pp. London.
mhornДата: Monday, 17.11.2014, 12:54 | Сообщение # 76
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Quote bhawanigd ()
Spengler, E (1910) Die Nautiliden und belemniten des trichinopoly distrikts in Beitr. Palaont Geol Ost Ung, 23: 125-157

it is here:

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
mhornДата: Monday, 17.11.2014, 12:59 | Сообщение # 77
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Quote Martin ()
Arthaber G. V., 1911: Die Trias von Albanien. Beitrage zur Palaontologie und GeologieOsterreich-Ungarns und des Orients, 24, 169–277.

Frech F., 1902: DieDyas: Lethaea geognostica. Theil 1. LethaeaPalaeozoica 2, 579-788.

Krafft A. V. &Diener C., 1909: Lower Triassic cephalopoda from Spiti, Malla Johar and Byans. Palaeontologia Indica 6, 1-186.

Mojsisovics E.,1886: Arktische triasfaunen. Memoires del’Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St-Petersbourg, VIIe serie 33, 1-159.

NoetlingF., 1905: Die asiatische Trias. In Frech F., Lethaea geognostica, 107-221.

Renz C. & RenzO., 1948: Eine untertriadische Ammonitenfauna von der griechischen Insel Chios. Schweizerische PalaeontologischeAbhandlungen 66, 3-98.

Tozer E. T., 1981:Triassic ammonoidea, clasification, evolution and relationship with Permian and
Jurassic forms. In House M. R. & Senior J. R. (eds.): The ammonoidea, 65-100. The Systematics Association, London.

Tozer E. T., 1994:Canadian Triassic ammonoid faunas. GeologicSurvey of Canada Bulletin 467, 663.

Arthaber G. V. 1911:
Tozer E. T. 1994:

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
mhornДата: Monday, 17.11.2014, 15:38 | Сообщение # 78
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Quote Martin ()
Mojsisovics E.,1886: Arktische triasfaunen. Memoires del’Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St-Petersbourg, VIIe serie 33, 1-159.

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
MartinДата: Tuesday, 02.12.2014, 11:17 | Сообщение # 79
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Dear Mikhail,
thank you again for the links.
ErikДата: Monday, 23.03.2015, 22:11 | Сообщение # 80
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Dear Mkhail
I diligently looking

MARGARET YACOBUCCI.2007"Buckman's Paradox: variability and constraints on ammonoid ornament and shell shape"
mhornДата: Sunday, 26.04.2015, 20:54 | Сообщение # 81
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Quote Erik ()
"Buckman's Paradox: variability and constraints on ammonoid ornament and shell shape"

it is here:

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
ErikДата: Tuesday, 29.12.2015, 21:28 | Сообщение # 82
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You are GREAT!
Thanks a lot!

Added (29.12.2015, 21:28)
Again I smile
I looking-Seyed-Emami&E.Monning.2015,Macrocephalitinae(Ammonoidea,Middle Jurassic) from North and Central Iran

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