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Cretaceous System of Russia and adjacent countries - 2008
mhornДата: Sunday, 28.12.2008, 16:29 | Сообщение # 1
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Cretaceous System of Russia and adjacent countries: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography: Proceeding of the Fourth All-Russian meeting, Novosibirsk, September 19–23, 2008 / Eds O.S. Dzyuba, V.A. Zakharov, B.N. Shurygin. – Novosibirsk: Publishing House SB RAS, 2008. 208 p. [in Russian]

Pdf: http://files.cretaceous.ru/sborniki/IV_sovesch_2008.pdf

1. Arkadiev V.V., Gataulina G.M. V.A. Prozorovsky – professor of the Saint-Petersburg State University
2. Bogdanova T.N., Korotkov V.A., Lobacheva S.V., Mikhailova I.A., Yakobson K.E. Vladimir Anatol’evich Prozorovsky (June 27-th 1932 – August 10-th 2007)
3. Akimov I.S., Beniamovski V.N. Stages of development of the genus Neoflabellina (benthic foraminifers) in the Late Campanian–Maastrichtian of the south of Russian Plate
4. Alekseev A.S., Olferiev A.G., Beniamovski V.N. Cirripeds (CIRRIPEDIA, THORACICA) from Maastrichtian of Saratov Region
5. Alekseev V.P., Amon E.O. To a question on genesis of sandstones of Neocomian clinoforms in Western Siberia and their phase synchronism of lateral and stratigraphic migrations
6. Alekseev P.I. The Late Cretaceous flora of Antibes locality (Western Siberia)
7. Alifirov A.S., Igolnikov A.E., Dzyuba O.S. Ammonites and structure of Volgian–Berriasian beds in the Mauryniya section (Subpolar Ural): new data
8. Amon E.O., Fedorov Yu.N., Alekseev V.P., Lebedev A.I. Middle Albian in Shaimsky oil-and-gaz bearing area of Western Siberia
9. Arkadiev V.V. Ontogeny and internal structure of the Berriasian ammonites of the Crimean Mountains
10. Baraboshkin E.J. Stratigraphy and Boreal-Tethyan correlation of marine Upper Hauterivian of Russia and CIS
11. Baraboshkin E.J., Smirnova S.B., Vinogradova K.V., Alekseeva L.V., Tazhinazarova N.A. The new data on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary interval of Buzachi Peninsula region (North Caspian)
12. Beisel A.L. Problems and methods of evaluation of the Geostratigraphic Scale of the Mesozoic of Siberia
13. Beniamovski V.N., Sviridov А.А., Olferiev А.G. Aprobation of the new Upper Cretaceous benthic foraminiferal scale of East European Province on basic of references sections of Mordovia
14. Berezin A.J. New ammonites relatives with Siberian Taimyroceras at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in centre of Russian Platform
15. Bogdanova T.N., Michailova I.A. Upper Aptian (Clansayesien) and evolution of Ammonoidea
16. Bochkarev V.S., Ognev D.A., Cherdantsev S.G. Paleobathymetry of epicontinental seas by the example of the Cretaceous in Western Siberia
17. Bragina L.G. Santonian–Maastrichtian radiolarians of temperate and high latitudes of the Far East of Russia
18. Bugdaeva E.V., Markevich V.S. Comparison of the Early Cretaceous floras of Transbaikalia, Yakutia, China and Mongolia
19. Vetoshkina O.S. Isotope (C and O) study of phosphorite concretions from Cretaceous sediments of the north of Russian Plate
20. Vishnevskaya V.S., Alekseev A.S., Olferiev A.G. Campanian cooling as one of possible reason to appearance of Late Cretaceous high latitude radiolarian association of Russian Arctic Rim
21. Herman A.B. Floristic development in the Albian–Paleocene of North-Eastern Russia and Northern Alaska: role of trans-Beringian migrations and climate changes
22. Gnibidenko Z.N., Lebedeva N.K., Dolya Zch.A. Magnetostratigraphic and palynological investigation of Cretaceous deposits on borehole 8 Russko-Polyanski region (south-eastern part of Western Siberia)
23. Golovneva L.B. Phytostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of Western Siberia
24. Golovneva L.B., Shchepetov S.V., Godefroit P., Alekseev P.I. The Kakanaut locality of the Late Cretaceous dinosaurs in Arctic: palaeoclimatological and palaeogeographical aspects
25. Grinenko V.S., Zharikova L.P. The Upper Cretaceous of the Vilyui Syncline: level of the knowledge, problems of the differentiation and correlation (Eastern Siberian Platform)
26. Guzhikov A.Yu., Baraboshkin E.Yu. New magnetostratigraphic data on Boreal Neocomian of Bojarka River key section (Northern Siberia)
27. Guzhov A.V., Golovinova M.A. Lower Cretaceous gastropods from Middle and Lower Volga regions
28. Demchenko A.N. On the taxonomy Holcodiscidae Spath, 1924 (AMMONOIDEA, DESMOCERATACEA)
29. Zakharov V.A., Kuzmichev A.B. Biostratigraphy of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Stolbovoy Island (Novosibirsk Archipelago) by buchias
30. Sdobnova E.N., Ostroukhov C.B. Some peculiarities of the Tasmanites Newton, 1875 and their use as markers in stratigraphy and geochemistry
31. Zlobina O.N. Sedimentary environments of Cretaceous deposits of Yenisei-Khatanga Basin and near Western Siberia areas
32. Zorina S.O. The global eustasy and regional tectonics reflection on formation of the Lower Cretaceous of East Russian Plate
33. Zykin V.S., Lebedeva N.K., Shurygin B.N., Marinov V.A., Smirnova T.N. Paleontological evidences of the availability of marine Upper Cretaceous on Gorny Altai
34. Igolnikov A.E. Ribbing of genera Hectoroceras Spath, 1947 and Schulginites Casey, 1973 (ammonites) and its taxonomic importance
35. Karogodin Y.N. Classification of stratons – system aspect
36. Karogodin Y.N. Cretaceous/Jurassic boundary in sections of the Western Siberia from positions of the System-Lithmological approach
37. Karogodin Y.N., Klimov S.V. Where the beginning of Neocomian clinoforms of the Western Siberia?
38. Kasumzadeh A.A. Cretaceous PECTINOIDA (BIVALVIA) of the Lesser Caucasus: space-time distribution aspects
39. Kodrul T.M., Herman A.B., Akhmetiev M.A., Moiseeva M.G. Development of floras of Far East, North-Eastern Russia and Northern Alaska near the K/T boundary
40. Kopaevich L.F., Vishnevskaya V.S. Late Cretaceous palaeogeography of the East-European Platform and its southern framework on the base of microfossils (foraminifers and radiolarids)
41. Kostesha O.N., Lyalyuk K.P. Recent data on the palynological characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous sediments of the south-eastern areas of Western Siberia
42. Krapiventseva V.V. Sedimentology and paleogeography of the Jurassic-Cretaceous basins of Priamurie and Priokhotie
43. Kurazhkovskii A.Yu., Kurazhkovskaya N.A., Klain B.I. Reformation of geomagnetic processes at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary
44. Maleonkina S.Yu. Features of benthos influence on phosphogenesis of East European Platform in Cretaceous
45. Malinovsky A.I., Golozoubov V.V., Ekimova N.I. Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Zhuravlevkiy Terrane (Central Sikhote Alin)
46. Marinov V.A. Paleogeography of the Anabaro-Popigay district in Early Cretaceous (based on foraminifera investigation)
47. Markevich V.S., Bugdaeva E.V. Origin of unique coals of Lipovtsy Coal Mine
48. Medvedeva S.A., Kaidalov V.A. Lithochemical parameters of the Berriasian–Valanginian terrigenous rocks from the Pilda-Limuri Interfluve (left tributaries of the Amur River downstream)
49. Mitta V.V., Bogomolov Yu.I. Subdivision of the Ryazanian Stage of Russian Platform
50. Mikhailova I.A., Baraboshkin E.J. Heteromorph to monomorph shell transition in Early Cretaceous ANCYLOCERATINA Wiedmann (AMMONOIDEA): phylogenetic and palaeogeographic aspects
51. Nesterov I.I., Jr, Borodkin V.N., Militskaya K.A. Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic units and clinoform model of West Siberia
52. Palechek T.N., Savelyev D.P., Savelyeva O.L. Radiolarian analysis of siliceous-carbonaceous sediments of the Kamchatsky Mys (Eastern Kamchatka)
53. Podobina V.M. Comparison of the Late Cretaceous foraminiferal assemblages of the south-east of Western Siberia and adjacent provinces for refinement of the age of regional stratigraphic units Podobina V.M., Kseneva T.G. New data on the Upper Cretaceous biostratigraphy in the south of Western Siberia
54. Popov E.V. On a record of tooth plates of chimaeroid fish species Edaphodon crassus Newton, 1878
55. (HOLOCEPHALI, CHIMAEROIDEI) from the Albian of Western Kazakhstan (Mangyshlak Peninsula)
56. Punina T.A., Pletnev S.P., Khudik V.D., Melnikov M.E., Zakharov Yu.D. Biostratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits of the Magellan Seamounts
57. Ruban D.A. On event essence of the Cretaceous Series
58. Ryazanova T.A., Soloviova N.S. Paleogeographic reconstructions of Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Ust-Yenisey region
59. Savelyeva O.L., Savelyev D.P., Palechek T.N., Pokrovskiy B.G. Cretaceous anoxic event on Kamchatka
60. Samokhin A.A. The role of facian-paleogeographic and stratigraphic factors in forming of reservoir and cover of Upper Cretaceous oil and gas zone of north and Arctic areas of Western Siberia
61. Selkova L.A. Palynological researches of the Valanginian deposits of Pesha Depression (European Northeast of Russia)
62. Seltser V.B., Brekhov V.V. Heteromorphic Late Cretaceous ammonites stored in the Volsk Museum of Local Lore (Saratov Region)
63. Seltser V.B., Ivanov A.V., Kharitonov V.M. Structural peculiarities and macrofaunal assemblage in the exogenously dislocated Cenomanian beds in the vicinity of Sosnovka (Saratov Region, right bank of the Volga)
64. Serdyuk Z.Ya., Slepokurova L.D., Vil’kovskaya I.Yu., Zubareva L.I., Isakova L.I., Kirilova N.V., Smolin S.N., Shchigoreva N.V. Tectonic-sediment model of formation of the Achimovka Body in Early Neocomian sea basin of the Western Siberia
65. Snezhko V.A. The dividing of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Dagestan (Northern Caucasus)
66. Snigirevskaya N.S. Fossil isoetopsids and rehabilitation A.N. Kryshtofovich’s finds in Cretaceous floras of Siberia
67. Sobolev E.S., Marinov V.A. The first finds of ammonites Acanthoscaphites tridens (Kner, 1848) in the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) in the Tobol upper reaches (Southern Transuralian)
68. Sokolova E.A. Comparison of the Cenomanian planktonic foraminiferal thanatocenoses from high latitudes of the Southern hemisphere, with those from sections of nearest to Russia countries
69. Sоlovjev А.N., Маrkov А.V., Lоbatschevа С.V. Berriasian echinoids
70. Trikolidi Ph.A. Chondrichtyan fish fossils (Hexanchidae) from Lower Cretaceous of Crimea
71. Urman O.S., Shurygin B.N. Specificity of benthos distribution in marginal bionomic zones on south-east of the Early Cretaceous paleobasin of the Western Siberia
72. Ukhlova G.D., Varlamov S.N. Seismostratigraphy of Neocomian sediments of the West Siberian Plate on seismic survey data
73. Fadeeva G.A., Smirnov M.V., Smirnova O.I., Boguslavskaya E.V., Zdobnova E.N. The Lower Cretaceous of the Caspian Sea aquatory (by the example of V. Filanovsky field)
74. Filatova N.I. Age interval of development of the Cretaceous Okhotsk-Chukotka magmatic Belt
75. Kharitonov V.M., Kokareva L.V. Upper Cretaceous gastropods of the Lesser Caucasus
76. Kharitonov V.M., Fomin V.A. Inoceramids of the Volsk district of the Saratov Volga region
77. Khramov M.F. Realization of system-lithmological principles by the example of Aptian deposits (Alymka and Vikulovo formations) of the Western Siberia
78. Khramov M.F., Samokhin A.A. Realization of system-lithmological principles by the example of Albian-Cenomanian deposits of the Western Siberia
79. Shchepetov S.V. Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous nonmarine deposits of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
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