Saratov region is well-known for those who studied Jurassic (especially ammonites) by its rich sites, which were studied by such famous ammonitologists as Kamysheva-Elpatievskaya and Troitskaya and now intensively investigated by Seltser, Mitta and by members of team Some results of such investigations were published recently in local journal, News of Saratov University. Series Earth Sciences:
Saltykov V.F., Startseva G.N., Troitskaya E.A. (2008) Stratigraphy of the Baojcian-Bathonian Marine Deposites of the Volga Region // News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth Sciences. No.2. P.56-71.
There are unceptainties in the boundaries, extensions and ages of the suites recognized in the recent regional stratigra-phic chart for the Middle Jurassic of the Saratov and Volgograd Volga right-bank Regions. Analyses of the new factual materials acquired from numerous well cores and the data from the outcrops in the stratotype locality at the North Volgograg Region make the basis for elaborating the deposite division. Detaled lithologic and paleontologic characteristics, their thicknesses and areals are estimated over Volga right-bank Region.
Saltykov V.F. (2008) Carbonate Nodules in the Middle Jurassic Section from the Lower Volga Region // News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth Sciences. no.1. P.64-75. [in Russian]
Carbonate nodules have been examined – those forming numerous lenticular chains of diverse lengths at each hypsometric level in the Middle Jurassic deposites. Contrary to the current view of the siderite composition of the nodules, dominant calcite development is proved, with siderite and clay matter involved. The material composition of the nodules is characterized by substantial variations of the component concentrations. Inherent peculiarities of the mineral and of the chemical
compositions have been revealed in each suite, alongside with specific textures. The data presented here, makes it possible to use carbonate nodules as additional features in the section division. The conditions of their formation in the course of the Middle Jurassic sedimentation have been considered over the Lower Volga Region.
Seltser V.B., Saltykov V.F. (2007) Approaches to Creating an Updated Biostratigraphic Base for Dividing the Callovian from the Volga Region // News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth Sciences. no.2. P.82-89. [in Russian]
Current reestimation of the stratigraphic positions of some zonal ammonites has resulted in revision of the sequence of ammonite zones, particularly in the Lower substage, and in more detailed stage division. The work has been mainly finished for Central Russia. But it is still in the initial stage in the Volga Region. New data is presented in the paper. Possibility is discussed of compiling an updated biostratigraphic base for dividing the Callovian not only from ammonites, but from foraminifers, as well.
Pimenov M.V., Manikin A.G., Yampolskaya O.B., Guzhikova A.A., Zhukov A.N. (2007) Preliminary Results of Researches of Estimation of an Opportunity of Quantitative Interpretation of Termokappametric Data // News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth Sciences. no.2. P.39-44. [in Russian]
Termokappametric method, that is based on the effect of phase transition of sulfides and carbonates of iron to magnetite at heating up to 500°C in the oxidizing environment, allows to define variations of concentration of pyrite in rocks. It is carried out laboratory and field researches with the purpose of finding-out of an opportunity to receive quantitative, instead of the qualitative with help of the termokappametric method. Results of laboratory experiments with samples of marcasite and pyrite (grain size 0,1–1,0 mm) are reveal significant linear dependence of termokappa values from concentration FeS2 after loosing samples that contain sulfides. The modified technique of termokappametric method is approved on slate thickness Dorsoplanites panderi in the stratotype of the Volgian stage.
Saltykov V.F., V.B. Seltser (2006) Analysis of the Knowledge of the Callovian Type Sections from the Volga Region // News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth Sciences. no.1. P.79-88. [in Russian]
Comparison of results obtained by various authors from Callovian beds of the stratotype section in the Malinovyj gully has shown to be incomparable in the amount and quality of biostratigraphic informa-tion. Using this information for recognizing of local strata (suites) has reduced the minuteness of deposit division. This makes new compre-hensive description of the section essential as well as thorough analyses of the latest results in combination with the earlier data on the updated ammonite standard.