Tent-Manclus J.E., Baeza-Carratala J.F., Estevez A., Yebenes A. (2008) Faunas de braquiopodos ligadas a la fracturacion del transito Liasico-Dogger en la Cordillera Betica // Geo-Temas. T.10. P.1209-1212. Pdf: http://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/8426/1/tent_braquiS22P03.pdf
From the Reclot Sierra, in the Alicante province, the ornamental stone "Alicante red" are quarried in levels of limestones with discontinuities of the Liassic-Dogger transition. This facies were formed in a pelagic environment heavily influenced by extensional tectonics. In the upper part of this limestones, two brachiopoda associations have been recognized inside neptunian dikes: the "Karadagithyris”, and the "Papodina". These associations are equivalent to other ones in Early Bajocian and ealiest Late Bajocian of mediterranean regions. The overlying rocks can be dated as the lattest Early Bajocian. The same as in the Early Jurassic the periods of faulting favored the fossil brachiopoda preservation because they are attached to hardgrounds and they are accumulated in the irregularities of the ground where the fosildiagenetic processes began.