Moor E. (2009) Oxydiscites und Cymaceras vom Schaffhauser Randen // Mitt. natf. Ges. Schaffhausen, Bd.49, [Mskr.]. pdf:
Article devoted to little-known ammonites Oxydiscites and Cymaceras, collected from the Lower Kimmeridgian of canton Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Within the Hypselocyclum Zone lineage of the macroconchiate Cymaceras was revealed, C. (C.) guembeli - C. (C.) perundatum, which fade with first appearance of Streblites. Populations of microconchiate C. (Trochiskioceras) bidentosum from the Switzerland differ from those from the South Germany. Many Lower Kimmeridgian ammonites, such as Sutneria platynota, S. hoelderi Aspidoceras cf. altenense, Ochetoceras canaliferum, Glochiceras (Lingulaticeras) nudatum, Cymaceras (Trochiskioceras) bidentosum, Cymaceras (Cymaceras) perundatum, C.(C.) guembeli, C.(C.) franziskae, Oxydiscites laffoni, Rasenia (Prorasenia) heeri, Taramelliceras (Metahaploceras) nodosiusculum, Aspidoceras binodum, A.(Schneidia) genuinum, A.(A.) suberinum, A.(A.) subinvolutum, A. (Schneidia) lussasense, A. (Parataxioceras) aff. pseudoeffrenatum, Orthospinctes (Ardescia) enayi O. (A.) desmoides quenstedti, O.(A.) schaireri, are figured.