Turculeţ I., Grigore D. (2006) New Upper Jurassic aptychi from the Sviniţa area (South Carpathians, Romania) // Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii. Vol. XXII. P.28-39 Pdf: http://olteniastudii.3x.ro/cont/22/P03-Turculet.pdf
Here described 16 aptychi para-subspecies, which belongs to the para-genera Laevaptychus and Lamellaptychus, from which four are new: Laevaptychus (Obliquuslaevaptychus) obliquus uhlandi, L. (O.) obliquus subrimosus, L. (O.) obliquus taxoporus and Lamellaptychus (Lamellosuslamellaptychus) beyrichi zigzagocinctus; some of the other species described before are revised here, in a new systematic. All specimens proceeds from the Greben Formation (upper Kimmeridgian – Tithonian, Sviniţa area, South Carpathians).