Meister С., Dommergues J.-L., Dommergues C., Lachkar N., El Hariri K. (2011) Les ammonites du Pliensbachien du jebel Bou Rharraf (Haut Atlas oriental, Maroc) // Geobios. Vol.44. P.117.e1–117.e60 fulltext (htm):
The originality of the sedimentary deposits and ammonite faunas in the jebel Bou Rharraf concerns ‘‘Ammonitico Rosso’’ facies, the westernmost known for the Pliensbachian, and a strong diversity of the Phylloceratida (Phylloceras, Calaiceras, Zetoceras, Partschiceras and Juraphyllites). The morphological disparity is also important in Galaticeras, Miltoceras and Tauromeniceras. If some taxa like Miltoceras taguendoufi and Mauretaniaceras elmii nov. gen., nov. sp. seem endemic to the High Atlas, most part of the Pliensbachien ammonites of the eastern High Atlas are classic for the southern margin of the western Tethys. Three genera (Callomoniceras, Appenninoceras, Mauretaniaceras) and three new species (Miltoceras involutum, Tropidoceras heterogeneum, Mauretaniaceras elmii) are described. An analysis using the ‘‘Discrete Cosine Transform’’ (DCT) method allows the better understanding of the morphospace of the rib patterns for the Fuciniceras from jebel Bou Rharraf. The biostratigraphy of the High Atlas is also improved with a set of 19 biohorizons for the Pliensbachian and the base of the Toarcian that are correlable with the Tethyan areas.