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Contributions to current cephalopod research
mhornДата: Thursday, 26.04.2012, 23:11 | Сообщение # 1
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Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. 125 pp.[in Russian with English summaries]

Pdf: http://rogov.zwz.ru/Cephalopod_meeting_2012.PDF

includes some Jurassic articles, such as:

Rogov M.A. Some peculiarities of evolution of Boreal ammonite faunas during the Kimmeridgian and Volgian (on example of the Middle Volgian Sea) // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P.18-20. [in Russian with English summary]
Key events in evolution of Kimmeridgian and Volgian ammonite faunas of the Middle Russian Sea are considered in terms of taxonomical diversity, disparity, shell size oscillations and changes in septal suture patterns. Taxonomical diversity gradually dropped since the Late Kimmeridgian mainly due to paleogeographical changes, but morphological disparity persisted at relatively high level and even increased during the latest Volgian. Differences in maximal shell size are among well recognized features of Boreal and Subboreal ammonite families. Most prominent decreasing in shell size coincides with appearance of craspeditids near to Middle/Late Volgian transition. Suture line of the “craspeditid” type firstly appeared in some aulacostephanid and idoceratin ammonites during the Kimmeridgian. Again the same type of septal suture evolved in some dorsoplanitids and became typical for craspeditid ammonites.

Gulyaev D.B. On the revision of ammonites of the genus Paracadoceras (Cardioceratidae) from the Upper Bathonian and Lower Callovian of East Greenland // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P. 69-72. [in Russian with English summary]
The succession of ammonites of the genus Paracadoceras from the Upper Bathonian and Lower Callovian of East Greenland is considered. The main evolutionary trends are highlighted. Until the early Callovian the lineage of Paracadoceras in the East Greenland region is typical for the Boreal Realm as a whole. Then its evolution is directed to the unique eudemic way in which the semi-evolute coarsely-ribbed shell of Paracadoceras gr. nordenskjoeldi is formed. These unusual Paracadoceras spp. are very close to the Paracadoceras gr. catostoma (sensu Imlay) from the Lower Callovian of Southern Alaska.

Repin Yu.S. The endemic branch of the Phylloceratida (Ammonoidea) of Arctic Mesozoic // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P. 73-76. [in Russian with English summary]
The diagnosis of new genus Anabaroceras Repin, gen.nov. from the Upper Valanginian and the illustrations of the type species Anabaroceras anabarum Repin, sp.nov. along with other boreal Phylloceratids are presented.

Mitta V.V., Dietl G. The Garantiana beds in the Upper Bajocian of the Middle Volga area // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P. 91-94. [in Russian with English summary]
The ammonites of the genus Garantiana are described for the first time at the Middle Volga area (40 km north of Ulyanovsk). This is the most northern locality of the Bajocian ammonites of Tethyan origin on the Russian platform. New records allow the recognition of the Beds with Garantiana in the Volga River area below the Pseudocosmoceras michalskii Zone. These two Central Russian biostratigraphic units approximately correspond to the Upper Bajocian of the Standard scale. Nevertheless, as described beds are overlying by fossiliferous Callovian, ammonites figured as Garantiana (pl.I, fig.1-5) also could be determined in opinion by some colleagues as Upper Bathonian microconchiate kosmoceratids Toricellites

Pestchevitskaya E.B., Mitta V.V. Comparative analysis of the development of ammonite and dinocyst communities of the Russian Platform throughout Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P. 95-98. [in Russian with English summary].
Comparative analysis of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous communities of ammonites and dinocysts from the Russian Platform has been revealed similar evolutional trends. The inceptions of several new forms, further giving rise to the Cretaceous ones, are observed in the Volgian, which can be regarded as a transitional stage in the evolution of both groups. The Rjazanian is characterized by an increased diversity of ammonites and dinocysts associated with the appearance of typical Cretaceous taxa.

Mitta V.V., Ploch I. Comparative study of the Berriasian ammonites of Poland and Central Russia (preliminary data) // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P. 99-101. [in Russian with English summary]
The preliminary results of revision and comparative study of Berriasin assembles from the Central Russia, and Poland allowed to specify some previous definitions of Berriasian informal division in Polish basin and ammonite correlation with the Central Russia basin (Marek, 1967, 1997; Marek & Raczyńska, 1979; Marek & Szulgina, 1996; Raczyńska, 1967). This analyze was an attempt to precise patter of ammonites migration and periods of connection between studied basins. The Berriasian ammonites from the Polish basin stored in the Geological Museum, Polish Geological Institute NRI were obtained from drill cores and their correlation with central Russia material from outcrops allowed to obtain much better identification. Within the Polish material some previously described as Riasanites cf. rjasanensis forms were identified as Riasanites swistowianus. Some forms described before as Neocosmoceras or Neocomites were revised as Riasanella, and “Surites” was revised as Riasanites. Some fragments of described before as Polyptychites are now interpreted as Surites. In collections also a specimen of the Valanginian Stchirowskiceras was identified. This could change stratygraphical schema - informal units “beds” for Polish Berriasian. The study of Berriasian material will be continued to find more complete correlation and stratigraphy of both basins.

Seltser V.B. Bite marks on the tests of Quenstedtoceras (Ammonoidea) // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P. 106-108. [in Russian with English summary]
Specimens of Quenstedtoceras henrici R. Douville ammonites with bite marks left by a large predator have been described in the Upper Callovian from the Saratov Volga Region. The injuries are bilaterally oriented and look like dents and/or holes. Positions of the scars on the phragmocone surfaces do not allow precise identification of the predator taxonomic affiliation. Presumably, that was an ichthyosaur or a shark.

Mironenko A.A. Traces of lifetime damage on the shells of Upper Jurassic (Upper Volgian) Kachpurites (Craspeditidae, Ammonoidea) // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P. 109-111. [in Russian with English summary]
More than 400 Kachpurites specimens from three localities in the Moscow region were investigated. Traces of lifetime damage and evidence of parasites in ammonite shells were discovered. These objects were divided into three types: traces of healed sublethal injures, lethal injures (ventral bite marks) on the shells and parasitical pits on the internal molds of living chambers. The first two types are traces of predators attacks. These predators are still unknown, but it is highly probable that they were small, comparable in size with ammonites. Parasitical pits are imprints of half-pearls – rounded tubercles on the inner wall of living chambers, which were formed by ammonites around bodies of small parasites.

Boiko M. S., Mychko E. V. Raupology: a computer program based on the conchometric method devised by D.M.Raup // Contributions to current cephalopod research: Morphology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology and Biostratygraphy. Eds. T.B. Leonova, I.S. Barskov, V.V. Mitta. Proceeding of conference (Moscow, 9–11 April, 2012). Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, Borissiak Paleontological Institute. P. 115-118. [in Russian with English summary]
The paper gives a summary of morphometric studies of coiled cephalopod shells using the method devised by D.M. Raup. The computer program “Raupology” is a collection of tools for studying such shells, including measurements of morphological parameters from photographs, mathematical analysis, statistics and data storage. This free software will be available through http://www.paleo.ru/download/geom_evol.zip (in Russian only but English version is coming soon)

Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous ammonites & aptychi
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