Granier B. & Staffelbach C. (2009) Quick look cathodoluminescence analyses and their impact on the interpretation of carbonate reservoirs. Case study of mid-Jurassic oolitic reservoirs in the Paris Basin.- Carnets de Géologie - Notebooks on Geology, Brest, Article 2009/07 (CG2009_A07), 14 p., 27 figs.
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Abstract: Cathodoluminescence analyses on samples from Middle Jurassic oolitic limestones allow us to reconstruct the diagenetic history of these oil and gas reservoirs: a succession of events starting with the early, synsedimentary phases of marine cementation and ending with the addition of hydrocarbons to the reservoir. Constraints on the timing of events are derived from their calibration with the chronology of the well-known regional tectonic calendar. Fracturing, due first to the post-Pyrenean extension and then to the Alpine compression, led respectively in Oligocene times to a recharge of the aquifer and a correlative change in cementation, and in Miocene times to the addition of hydrocarbons into the same flow units, this last event blocking diagenesis, at least in the zone above the oil-water contact. Distributions of cements and residual porosity within sedimentary units without stratigraphic significance, called here "pseudo-parasequences", were for the most part inherited from the original depositional facies.